Author: Daniela Geracitano
In December 2000, Cosimo Geracitano set out to do the seemmingly impossible, to make a book entirely out of jade, with bound pages that could be turned. This is the fascinating story of one man's struggle and sacrifice to transform British Columbian jade (nephrite) into a form that has never been carved before. It is the story of a sculpture that broke boundaries in its creations and that advocates the breaking of boudaries between people and nations through the images and words of three of history's greatest humanitarians: Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi. It is the story of a work of art thet aims at moving people to rise to the challenge of achieving inner and outer harmony and creating a better global community.
From the remote Cassiar Mountains of northern Britsh Columbia a magnificent book is born, one that speaks of the universal and trascendent theme of peace. It is carved, not printed. It contains only three sentences. There is only one copy, yet millions will read it.
This book is made out of jade, the toughest naturally occuring material on Earth, the enduring stone revered by the ancient Chinese as the Stone of Heaven; it will last for many millennia. It will travel, be carried throgh space and time, speask to future generations.
Born out of faith, it is The Jade Book: A Stone of Hope
Publisher : Colossal Creations Corp (March 1 2004)
Paperback: 72 Pages
Language: English
ISBN-10 : 0973139013
ISBN-13 : 978-0973139013
Dimensions : 22.23 x 0.64 x 25.4 cm
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Replica Museum
Colossal Creations
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